Tuesday, June 24, 2008

knit graffiti spotted in Hobart!!

My brother and I took photo's of these on Sunday the day after WWKIP day! I had to straighten the scarf around this fellows neck, looked like someone wanted to try it on.
I didn't get to see the cuddly bike rack!! Nor did I get to see the article in the papers so if anybody has kept a copy please bring it along to our next S&B!
Great work everyone, I'm proud of you all....just wish I could have made it!!!

Who did the dog vest with the udder?


Kris McCracken said...

Vandalism is vandalism I say, and if the miscreants do get caught by the authorities, I feel that a bit of time in the stocks might help properly 're-educate' them with regards to defacing public statues dedicated to fallen Aussie heroes (and their dogs). Anyway, here is the story titled "Woollies warm frozen figures" from the Mockery.

Grace Garton said...

Thanks Kris for your ever entertaining commentary:)

The link you gave takes me to microsoft...is this a joke?